HC Deb 05 June 1913 vol 53 c1043

I beg to ask the Home Secretary a question, of which I have given him private notice, namely, if he is aware that at the Maypole Colliery, Abram, near Wigan, comprising Nos 1 and 2 pits, there was, up to the date of the explosion in August 1908, a place appointed at each pit for the weighing of the mineral sent by those workmen who were paid according to the weight of the mineral gotten by them, and that the men stationed a check-weigher at each place appointed, as provided by the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1887; whether his attention has been called to the fact that the workmen at these pits, in so far as their wages depend upon the weight of the mineral gotten, are again employed under conditions similar to those prevailing before August, 1908, but in the meantime the employers have removed one of the places hitherto appointed for the weighing of the mineral, that they are providing facilities for one check-weighman only, and have refused the No. 1 pit check-weighman permission to act; and whether he will cause an inquiry to be made with a view of securing to the workmen the rights conferred upon them under the Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1872 to 1887?


My hon. Friend has been good enough to make a communication to the Home Office on the matter, and I will cause inquiry to be made immediately.


Will the right hon. Gentleman see that if that inquiry is made, it shall be an inquiry at which representatives of both employers and workmen are present, with a view to the whole facts being elicited?


I will certainly consider the point raised by my hon. Friend.