HC Deb 03 June 1913 vol 53 cc749-51

Governesses Benevolent Institution Bill [Lords],

Read the third time, and passed without Amendment.

Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Bill, As amended, to be considered Tomorrow.

Southampton Harbour Bill (by Order),

Consideration, as amended, deferred till Friday.

Cardiff Railway Bill [Lords] (by Order),

Read a second time, and committed.

Halkyn District Mines Drainage Bill [Lords] (by Order),

Second Reading deferred till Friday.

Oxford University (St. Edmund Hall and Gatcomb Rectory) Bill [Lords] (by Order),

Second Reading deferred till To-morrow.

Westminster Hospital Bill,


I beg to move, "That it be an Instruction to the Committee on the Westminster Hospital Bill to consider whether it is expedient, in dealing with the present site of the hospital, to widen the street leading to the Houses of Parliament by making the frontage level with the neighbouring building, and so providing, in the public interest and for posterity, an access worthy of the dignity of the situation."


I object.


May I ask the Deputy-Chairman of Committees whether he will not give me an opportunity for discussing this Instruction in the ordinary way?


If the hon. Member listened, as no doubt he did a few minutes ago, to the number of objections to Private Bills he will, I think, realise that it is quite impossible for any promise of the kind he asks for to be given.


This is a public question.

Resolution deferred.

Electric Lighting Provisional Orders (No. 5) Bill,

Gas and Water Provisional Orders (No. 2) Bill,

Local Government (Ireland) Provisional Orders (No. 2) Bill,

Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 8) Bill,

Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 9) Bill,

Read a second time, and committed.

Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 10) Bill,

Second Reading deferred till To-morrow.

Local Government Provisional Order (No. 11) Bill,

Read a second time, and committed.

Local Government Provisional Order (No. 12) Bill,

Second Reading deferred till To-morrow.

Pier and Harbour Provisional Orders (No. 1) Bill,

Pier and Harbour Provisional Orders (No. 2) Bill,

Read a second time, and committed.

Ribble Fisheries Provisional Order Bill,

Second Reading deferred till Tuesday next.

Tramways Provisional Orders Bill,

Read a second time, and committed.

Message from the Lords,

That they have passed a Bill, intituled, "An Act to transfer to and vest in the Metropolitan Railway Company the undertaking of the Great Northern and City Railway Company; to empower the Metropolitan Railway Company to construct a new railway and works; to acquire additional lands; to raise additional capital; and for other purposes. [Metropolitan Railway Bill [Lords.]

Also, a Bill, intituled, "An Act to confer powers upon the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the city of Bradford for the construction of waterworks, street works and improvements, and the acquisition of lands; for the provision of trolley vehicles; with respect to infectious diseases and the health, good government, and sanitation of the city; to authorise the establishment of superannuation and other funds; and to make provisions with respect to various matters of local administration and management."[Bradford Corporation Bill [Lords.]

Also, a Bill, intituled, "An Act to authorise the transfer to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the county borough of Brighton of the powers vested in the Brighton, Hove, and Preston United Omnibus Company, Limited, under the Brighton, Hove, and District Railless Traction Act, 1911, and to sanction and confirm the purchase by the Corporation of lands adjoining the borough in the parishes of Ovingdean and Rottingdean; and for other purposes." [Brighton Corporation Bill [Lords.]

And, also, a Bill, intituled, "An Act to dissolve the marriage of George Edwardes MacColl, of Kirkliston Drive, Bloomfield, in the county city of Belfast, engineer, with Mary MacColl, his now wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other purposes." [MacColl's Divorce Bill [Lords.]

Metropolitan Railway Bill [Lords],

Bradford Corporation Bill [Lords],

Brighton Corporation Bill [Lords],

Read the first time; and referred to the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills.

MacColl's Divorce Bill [Lords],

Read the first time; to be read a second time.

Private Bills (Group D),

Mr. Herbert Craig reported from the Committee on Group D of Private Bills; That Mr. George Lloyd, one of the Members of the said Committee, was not present during the sitting of the Committee this day.

Report to lie upon the Table.

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