HC Deb 03 June 1913 vol 53 c778
54. Mr. HOGGE

asked the hon. Member for St. George's-in-the-East, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether he can say why the Premier of South Australia, the Speaker of the House of Assembly, the Hon. L. O'Loughlin, were refused admission to Holyrood Palace on Saturday, 17th May, although sent by the right hon. the Lord Provost of Edinburgh and accompanied by an official of his lordship in uniform; whether they were informed that permission could only be obtained by written consent of the First Commissioner of Works; and whether steps can be taken to secure that in the future the Lord Provost of Edinburgh may be protected from similar indignity?

Mr. WEDGWOOD BENN (Lord of the Treasury)

The First Commissioner has ascertained that these gentlemen were refused admission by the resident inspector of the Lord Chamberlain. The inspector is not authorised to admit visitors on his own responsibility. The First Commissioner wishes to point out that this regrettable occurrence would have been avoided had some previous intimation been given either to the Lord Chamberlain or to the Office of Works of the desire of these distinguished visitors to visit Holyrood as was done when the same party desired to visit Windsor.


Has the First Commissioner corresponded with Mr. O'Loughlin apologising for this treatment of him?


No. I think the mistake was made by those who advised Mr. O'Loughlin to visit Holyrood without the necessary permission.


If he was not allowed to see the rooms, why was he not allowed to see the precincts of the house?


The representative of the Office of Works in Edinburgh would himself have accompanied these distinguished visitors to Holyrood had he known they desired to visit it, but Holy-rood is now closed, because in the present circumstances that is considered wise.


Tell this Jack in office to behave himself.