HC Deb 31 July 1913 vol 56 cc709-10
22. Mr. HORNER

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is yet in a position to state that the whole or any portion of She £40,000 Grant promised for Irish intermediate education will be available this forthcoming school year?


asked the Chief Secretary what steps he proposes to take with regard to the Grant of £40,000 for secondary education in Ireland; and whether, seeing that inconvenience is caused to schools in making their arrangements for the coming year by delay in arriving at a definite decision in this matter, he will comply with the wish of the Irish people by making this Grant immediately available?


As no alternative plan for the distribution of the proposed Grant of £40,000 has been suggested to me from any quarter that fulfils the essential conditions of securing, first, the substantial improvement of the salaries and status of the assistant lay teachers in Irish secondary schools, and, secondly, the distribution of the proposed Grant fairly between the various classes of secondary schools in Ireland, I propose to put the Grant on a Supplementary Estimate and to introduce early next Session any Bill which may be necessary to bring the regulations for the distribution of the Grant contained in my first draft into operation. I shall always be ready to receive and consider any suggestions which may be made to me for alterations in the scheme which do not violate the above-named essential conditions. I hope that by this means the Grant may be made available for the coming school year.


When will the Supplementary Estimate be set down? Further, as the right hon. Gentleman is taking that course with regard to the £40,000, why does he not propose a Supplementary Estimate in the case of the labourers?


I shall do the best I can. The Supplementary Estimate I refer to will be next year, of course.