HC Deb 28 July 1913 vol 56 cc26-7
66. Mr. CASSEL

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention has been drawn to a collision which took place between two motor omnibuses in Whitechapel Road on 6th July, whereby the two vehicles became locked together and were badly damaged; if so, whether he is aware that the vehicles were removed by the breakdown gang of the motor omnibus company without any inspection or interference on the part of the police; and whether he can explain why the practice usually adopted in the case of tramcars in a similar condition was not followed, namely, that of holding up the vehicles pending the arrival of an official from Scotland Yard?


The detention in situ of motor public carriages concerned in a street accident, whatever the type of vehicle, necessarily depends on the circumstances of the individual case, and must, therefore, be a matter for the discretion of the police. The directions to send for an expert official to make an examination on the spot apply only to cases of serious accident. The accident referred to was of an ordinary character.