HC Deb 22 July 1913 vol 55 cc1860-1
72. Mr. DELANY

asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland), whether his attention has been drawn to a resolution passed at the last quarterly meeting of the Queen's County Council, requesting the Department to recognise for the purposes of the Tuberculosis Order, 1913, the veterinary inspectors appointed by the sanitary authority under the Dairies, Cowsheds, and Milk Shops Order, 1908, instead of confining the duties to one inspector working under the Diseases of Animals Act; and can he say, in order to avoid overlapping of duties and consequent extra cost to the rates, whether the Department is prepared to comply with the request made in the resolution?

Mr. RUSSELL (Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture, Ireland)

The resolution referred to has been received. No decision on the request therein has, however, been reached yet. Pending further experience of the working of the Order, which has been in operation only for a little time, it appears undesirable to determine whether the sanctioning of additional appointments thereunder would be of advantage.