HC Deb 22 July 1913 vol 55 c1842

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether the by-laws of Crieff were passed mainly in terms of the Burgh Police Act, 1911; whether when submitted to the sheriff substitute it was recommended to exclude bonâ fide temperance hotels, but such exemption was refused by the Secretary for Scotland; whether, in consequence, certain temperance hotel proprietors were recommended by the town council to register as keepers of places of public refreshment and have now been prosecuted for contravention of the Act; whether the intention of the Secretary for Scotland is to prevent the travelling public on Sunday visiting temperance hotels and to force them to patronise liquor bars; whether he will so amend the by-laws as to make it possible for temperance hotels to provide meals on Sunday; and whether, if they cease to register, they will be subject to prosecution?

The SECRETARY for SCOTLAND (Mr. McKinnon Wood)

So many questions are included, and the answer is necessarily so long and technical, that I must ask the Noble Lord to allow me to circulate the answer with the Votes.—[See Written Answers this date.]


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if he will also include in his answer if there is any method of allowing temperance refreshment places to provide food for the benefit of travellers, so that they may not be driven to public-houses if they require food?