HC Deb 22 July 1913 vol 55 cc1865-6

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture how many local authorities have during the last twelve months applied to the Board for its consent to prosecute alleged offenders under the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1906; in how many eases has the Board given its consent; and in how many cases has a conviction resulted from such proceedings?

Mr. MONTAGU (for Mr. Runciman)

Thirteen local authorities applied to the Board for their consent to prosecute in twenty-two eases. In nine cases consent was given, and in one case the question of giving consent is now under consideration. Where consent was given, in seven cases there was no conviction, because in five cases the local authority did not prosecute and in two cases the magistrates dismissed the charge. In regard to the two remaining cases the Board have not received any information since their consent was received by the local authorities.