HC Deb 21 July 1913 vol 55 c1697
56. Mr. BARNES

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty if he is aware that the men in the medical mess service are working on a basis of a seventy-two hours week of seven days' work; and if he can arrange to have the hours reduced or pay increased so as to place the men on a forty-eight hours' basis?


It is only at Chatham that the hours are as long as those mentioned by my hon. Friend, the hours at Haslar and Plymouth being sixty-one and sixty, respectively. Steps are being taken to reduce the hours at Chatharn to the level of the other big hospitals. The men are paid for seven days a week, and owing to the nature of their duties, I do not think the case is one in which the forty-eight hours' basis can 'be made strictly applicable.