HC Deb 15 July 1913 vol 55 c1055
52. Mr. MORTON

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether the Departmental Committee on State Loans for Fishermen intend to report this Session of Parliament; and, if not, will he use his influence to get the Committee to report forthwith?

60. Mr. MUNRO

asked on what date the Committee which is considering inter alia the question of State loans to fishermen completed taking evidence on the subject remitted to it; on what dates it has met to consider the Report which it proposes to issue; and whether, looking to the urgency of the matter and to the delay which has elapsed since the Committee was appointed, the Secretary for Scotland will take steps to secure the acceleration of its proceedings?


asked how soon the Secretary for Scotland expects the Departmental Committee on State Loans to Fishermen will be in a position to issue their Report; and whether this Report will explain the principle on which these advances can be made and what security can be given to prevent possible eventual loss to the taxpayer?


I am informed that the Report is nearly complete and that the Committee is to meet again in a few days. I cannot, of course, state what will be contained in the Report.