HC Deb 15 July 1913 vol 55 cc1062-3
75. Mr. HUNT

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he will state what was the average price paid by Government for the men in the Navy for beef from abroad last year?


No imported (dead) beef is supplied to His Majesty's ships in Home waters, except canned beef, to which it is presumed the question does not apply. As I explained to the House in answer to a question addressed to me on 10th June by the right hon. Gentleman the Member for the Bordesley Division of Birmingham, the bulk of the fresh beef supplied is killed at the Naval Victualling yards, the animals being raised in this country. At certain other ports where the requirements are not so considerable, the contractors are at liberty to supply fresh beef either from Home-raised beasts killed locally or from beasts imported alive and killed at the port of debarka- tion. It is known that the former alternative is largely used, but as there is no reliable information as to the extent to which contractors avail themselves of the latter alternative, the average price paid for beef produced from animals killed at the port of debarkation cannot be ascertained.


Are we to understand from that that sailors are supplied with better food than soldiers, as the right hon. Gentleman says they cannot get beef for sailors at the price the Army pays?


I cannot say. I hope they are both well fed.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether it is the fact or not that the sailors are not fed on beef at the price at which soldiers are fed?


I have told the hon. Member that I cannot give him the prices, but as I have said in a previous answer, the great bulk of it is Home grown. I believe certainly that the sailors are well fed and I have no reason to suppose that the soldiers are not well fed.