HC Deb 10 July 1913 vol 55 c570
20. Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary, whether he has been informed of the serious assaults committed in the city of Limerick upon a Protestant woman for putting up inside her house a scriptural text, which was in no way of a sectarian nature; whether these assaults occurred on the 19th and 20th of June, when a Roman Catholic demonstration was in progress in the city, and when the streets were decorated with Roman Catholic emblems, altogether sectarian in their character; whether he is aware that this woman was dragged about by the hair of her head, the windows of her house broken, and much damage done to the house and its contents; whether the police are now affording protection to this woman; and if anyone has been brought to justice for this outrage?


The attack made on this woman was a very disgraceful one. It was made by two girls. I am happy to say that the injuries inflicted were not serious though outrageous. The woman is not protected by the police and is going about her business as usual. I am making further inquiries with a view to seeing whether a prosecution can be sustained.