HC Deb 10 July 1913 vol 55 cc567-9
16. Mr. HORNER

asked the Chief Secretary how many intermediate schools there are in Ireland; and of those about how many have refused to comply with the conditions of the scheme upon which the £40,000 Grant was promised last year?


As I stated in reply to a question asked by the hon. Member on the 30th of June, the number of secondary schools in connection with the Intermediate Education Board in 1912–13 was 337, of which 211 were under Catholic management. It would not be correct to say that any school has refused to comply with the conditions of my draft scheme, but certain objections have been made to it by the Catholic Headmasters' Association. These objections are fully stated in the correspondence, which will be published to-morrow.


Is it not the fact that no school under lay management, whether Protestant or Catholic, has refused to comply?


I have not been in communication so far with anybody except the Catholic Headmasters' Association and the Secondary Teachers' Association. I have had no communication whatever, but I have no doubt the hon. Member is quite right.

17. Mr. HORNER

asked the Chief Secretary if a large number of intermediate schools in Ireland are not only willing, but anxious to accept the grant of £40,000 a year promised twelve months ago upon the conditions then laid down; and, having regard to the loss that secondary education in Ireland has already suffered from inadequate funds, will he recommend the Treasury to pay in the forthcoming school year the entire grant, or a proportionate part of it, to these schools?


As I have already stated, I will give this suggestion the most careful consideration.


Was it not clearly stated at the beginning that the money was available for the schools which complied with the conditions, and that there would be no objection whatever?


I dare say the hon. Member may be right. I really cannot tell. I adopted a course with certain results, and if I adopted another other results would happen.


If this money is not voted within the next two months, will it not be lost to Ireland altogether?


Not lost altogether; but lost for this year.


If it is not given before next May, will it not be lost, assuming we get Home Rule?


I hope we shall manage it before May.