HC Deb 09 July 1913 vol 55 c391
8. Mr. FELL

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he is aware that delay has been experienced by His Majesty's ships when visiting Great Yarmouth in obtaining supplies of fresh meat owing to the fact that the contract for such supply has been made with a firm in Essex which has no efficient means of supplying meat at Great Yarmouth; and whether he will state what action he will take to prevent such delay?


A report has just been received that one of His Majesty's ships visiting Great Yarmouth last week failed to obtain 100 lbs. of fresh meat which had been ordered under the contract, owing apparently to the local agents of the contractors failing to take the necessary steps. The matter is being investigated, and any necessary measures to prevent a recurrence will be taken.

9. Mr. FELL

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, having regard to the fact that the Admiralty makes it a condition of contracts for the supply of fresh meat that the contractor must either reside on the spot where the supplies are to be made or must have an agent residing there who must himself carry on business as a butcher, if he will state whether these provisions were complied with when the Admiralty made the contract for the supply of meat at Great Yarmouth?


The reply is in the affirmative.


Will the right hon. Gentleman make further inquiries into this contract?

