HC Deb 08 July 1913 vol 55 c207
28. Mr. PETO

asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the fact that the Territorial battalion of the Wiltshire regiment was called out for training on the 23rd June; whether he is aware that this date in a rural district, where saving the hay crop is of importance, is inconvenient to farmers, and tends to make them discourage young farm hands from joining the Territorial Force, and acts as a hardship to those who are patriotic enough to do all they can to assist the Territorial Force; and whether he will take steps to see that training for Territorial battalions, as far as possible, in rural districts is arranged for dates which avoid the usual periods of hay and corn harvest?

Colonel SEELY

The dates of training of units of the Territorial Force are arranged by divisional, mounted brigades or coast defence commanders in consultation with the county association concerned. Every effort is made by those concerned to arrange for dates suitable to local conditions in so far as military exigencies permit.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the date named in the question is obviously one which must be extremely inconvenient in agricultural districts?

Colonel SEELY

In these matters consultation always takes place with the county associations, who have the best means of knowing what is and what is not convenient.