HC Deb 07 July 1913 vol 55 cc20-1

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that there is a feeling amongst members of friendly societies that circular A.S. 92, of the Health Insurance Commissioners, is so framed as to constitute a bias against transfer from one approved society to another, and therefore a check upon a process which many employed contributors desire in their own interest to effect; and whether the Commissioners will consider the advisability of simplifying the complicated procedure provided by such circular and revising the latter, so as to make clear the right of every member to change his or her society and the undesirability of permitting the society to which such member belongs to fetter the process in any way?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. It is essential that transfers should be so arranged as to prevent any interval between the termination of membership in the old society and the commencement of membership in the new one, and to secure that the conditions laid down in the Act as to transfer value and consent are complied with, and that the necessary information for this purpose is in the hands of the societies concerned and the Commissioners The procedure described in Circular A.S. 92 is the simplest which could be devised consistently with these conditions, and with the continuity of insurance provided by the Act. The Commissioners would be glad to receive any suggestions which would enable them to effect any further simplification, but with regard to the last part of the question, I would remind the hon. Member that Section 31 of the Act contemplates the possibility of circumstances in which consent may be reasonably withheld.


Would the right hon. Gentleman be prepared to receive a deputation of representatives of the leading friendly societies upon this matter?


I would if no better method could be found, but I am rather averse to adding to the number of deputations. I would be glad if the hon. Member would communicate with me himself.