HC Deb 02 July 1913 vol 54 c1877
80. Mr. KING

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he will at once put Circular 821 on sale, so as to make this document dealing with the supply of teachers available for that section of the public from whom the increased supply of teachers may be drawn?


The Circular is a somewhat technical document hardly suitable for distribution to parents of intending teachers, and I do not think it necessary to put it specially on sale. If, however, local education authorities desire further copies of the Circular for distribution they will be supplied in the usual way. The new Regulations referred to in the Circular will shortly be issued and will be on sale to the public.

81. Mr. KING

asked the President of the Board of Education whether, in the new Regulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers, he will secure an adequate supply of candidates for the teaching profession by making it a condition of Grant that all local education authorities should engage yearly a certain proportion of their population in the initial stage of teachership.


I have considered the hon. Member's suggestion, but as I doubt whether it would be effective I do not propose to insert such a provision in the new Regulations.