HC Deb 30 January 1913 vol 47 c1486
28. Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he will afford an opportunity to the representatives of the six little girls between the ages of eleven and fifteen years who were expelled from the female school at Tarbert, county Kerry, in the month of February, 1911, to appear before the Com mission of Inquiry about to be held into the national school inspectors, etc., in order that they may fully lay before that Commission the action of the manager, teacher, and the school inspectors who were sent to investigate the charges made, and explain how those inspectors acted in the matter?


I hardly think that this is a case for the Commission, but it is open to the hon. Member to make any representation he may think fit to the Commission, and it will then be for them to decide whether the facts of the case as represented to them bring it within the terms of reference.