HC Deb 28 January 1913 vol 47 c1158
16. Mr. KING

asked at what date flogging was abolished as a method of disciplinary correction in the Army; whether any demands have since been received from officers or others asking for its reintroduction; and whether, since the abolition of flogging, there has been any deterioration or improvement in the morale and discipline of the Army?

Colonel SEELY

Flogging was restricted by the Mutiny Act of 1868 to active service and to certain offences committed while under sentence in military prisons. Under the Army Discipline and Regulation Act, 1881, it was further restricted to military prisons and in 1906 corporal punishment in military prisons was abolished. No demands have been put forward by officers or others for the reintroduction of flogging. The general improvement of conduct in the Army during the last few years has been remarkable, but it is not possible to say whether that improvement is due to the abolition of flogging.


Of course it is.