HC Deb 28 January 1913 vol 47 c1178

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he is aware that butchers before slaughtering animals invariably keep them fasting for twenty-four hours and consider it necessary to do so, and that practical expert men are of opinion that cattle fed and watered in Ireland at the port of embarkation would only be in the proper condition for slaughter in this country twenty-four to thirty-six hours after being fed at the port of shipment; and whether, having regard to the fact that if lie insists on the compulsory feeding of fat animals which are landed within a moderate distance from the place of intended slaughter it will necessitate the owner postponing the killing of the animals for at least twenty hours from the time of feeding on this side, and that this might inflict under some circumstances more cruelty than feeding would obviate, he will consider the advisability of modifying the regulations in such cases?


The requirement in the new Order that the animals shall receive a proper and sufficient supply of food and water has for many years been applied to foreign animals landed for slaughter, and I am not aware that it has caused any such difficulty as is suggested in the hon. Member's question. If difficulties arise in practice I am always ready to reconsider the matter.