HC Deb 16 January 1913 vol 46 c2228
7. Mr. BRADY

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that a recent examination for station sergeants in the Dublin Metropolitan Police the candidates only received two days' notice of the examination; whether drill formed a portion of such examination; if so, is there any drill manual in use in the force to guide candidates; when was a knowledge of drill prescribed for this examination; and when were candidates at this examination previously rejected for lack of knowledge of drill?


The men were warned on the 24th September for medical examination on the 25th, and on the latter date an order was issued to candidates to attend for drill examination on the 30th September. A knowledge of elementary drill has always been prescribed as one of the subjects of examination, and the drill manual in use is "Infantry Drill, 1896." No candidates at an examination of this kind have previously been rejected in drill since 1905.