HC Deb 14 January 1913 vol 46 cc1879-80
51. Captain CAMPBELL

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether, at an early date, he contemplates taking steps to remove the embargo against Canadian cattle; and whether he will state what disease or diseases have occurred in Canada during the last two years which render such embargo justifiable?


There is nothing to prevent the importation of Canadian cattle into Great Britain at the present time, but under the provisions of the Diseases of Animals Acts they must be slaughtered at the port of landing. The Government do not contemplate legislation on the subject. According to information furnished by the Minister of Agriculture for the Dominion of Canada, the following diseases have occurred during the years 1911 and 1912: Glanders, dourine or maladie du coit, mange of horses and cattle, sheep scab, hog cholera, rabies, anthrax. Tuberculosis is general, and redwater prevails to some extent in British Columbia.


Does the Department of Agriculture consider that the diseases that the right hon. Gentleman has just quoted justify them in these restrictions?


The hon. Gentleman is under a misapprehension. The prohibition of the importation of Canadian store cattle is not the doing of the Board of Agriculture, it is the Act of this House.


Does not the right hon. Gentleman think he would be justified in doing something by way of relief?


The prohibition is by Statute.

Captain MURRAY

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of purchasing an island off the West Coast of Scotland, and employing it as a permanent quarantine station for Canadian cattle?


Why is free trade not adopted in this matter?