HC Deb 13 January 1913 vol 46 cc1679-80

asked the number of estates of licence-holders in Scotland upon which Estate and Death Duties were levied during the last two years for which the figures are available; the number of deceased licence-holders who held their licensed premises on a yearly tenancy; the number of cases in which the value of goodwill was treated as nominal for the purpose of levying the duties referred to, and where the goodwill was valued at more than a nominal figure; and the average number of years' purchase at which the value attached to the goodwill works out, on a basis of the net profits earned during the last year in which the business was carried on by the deceased licence-holder?


The number of estates of licensed holders in Scotland in which Estate and Death Duties were levied during the last two years for which some figures are available was about 150. Of these rather less than one-third included licenced premises on a yearly tenancy. The average number of years' purchase of the net profits at which the goodwill in these cases works out is approximately four. In the case of grocer licence-holders, the values would be less, and the above figures do not include the cases in which the value of the goodwill was treated as nominal, for which no statistics are available.