HC Deb 06 January 1913 vol 46 cc814-6

asked whether the official statements purporting to be issued to the Press by the Insurance Commissioners on the 26th and 29th December were submitted to and approved by any meeting of the Insurance Commissioners; and, if not, by whom such statements were prepared, and by whose authority they were issued to the Press?


asked (1) whether all the regulations, orders, special orders, and circulars issued in the name of the Insurance Commission were first submitted to and approved by a meeting of the Insurance Commissioners; whether at such meetings all the Commissioners were present; (2) when, and by whom, it was decided to permit Insurance Committees to arrange for the importation of whole-time doctors into their districts to work the National Insurance Act; if it was the Insurance Commissioners, which members were present; was there a unanimous vote in favour of this proposal; and (3) what is the procedure of the Insurance Commissioners in carrying out their duties; do they meet at stated times after due notice of the matters they will be called upon to consider has been given to them; are de tailed minutes of their proceedings kept; and are the opinions of the various Commissioners obtained on each question by vote?


The procedure of the Commissioners in carrying out their duties varies with the nature of the different matters arising to be dealt with, as does also the extent to which, as in all other Government Departments they delegate administrative work to their staff. Minutes are kept of the more formal proceedings of the Commission and adequate records are kept of all other matters. All decisions are taken upon the collective responsibility of the Commission as a whole, and it would be impossible in any case to announce whether any divergence of opinion had been expressed in discussion by individual Commissioners before the decisions are reached, or to give details as to preparation of the documents issued by the Commission. Such a decision as that with regard to the alternative arrangements for provision of medical benefit where a panel is not formed, would only be taken after full discussion by the Commission in conjunction with the Chancellor of the Exchequer or myself, as responsible to Parliament for the Administration of the Act.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say definitely whether the statement issued to the Press in the name of the Insurance Commissioners on the 26th December was approved by the Chancellor of the Exchequer or by himself before it was issued?


I could say, but I do not think I ought to be asked to state how Government Departments are run in this respect.


As the right hon. and learned Attorney-General the other evening admitted that the statement of the 26th December was wrong, will any steps be taken to prevent statements being issued to the Press which are likely to mislead the public?

The ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Sir Rufus Isaacs)

I do not know to what the hon. Member refers, I have made no such statement.




This cannot go on. The hon. Member did not allow the discussion to take place the other night.


Do we understand that until a Commissioner resigns over a difference of opinion he is held responsible for the decisions of the Commissioners during his continuance of office?


For all decisions the Commissioners must be held collectively responsible. It is quite impossible for us to issue a statement that on a particular point there were so many votes for and so many against.


Does the right hon. Gentleman consider that such duties as the framing of regulations and special orders can be left to officials, even although it may affect the working of the Act?


The Insurance Commissioners decide and take full responsibility for all orders issued.


But the right hon. Gentleman said the duty was delegated to certain officials. Are we to take it that all orders and draft regulations are approved at a full meeting of the Commissioners?


If the hon. Gentleman will look at my answer he will find I never said power was delegated to the officials. The full power remains in the hands of the Commissioners, who take full responsibility for every document issued.