HC Deb 13 February 1913 vol 48 cc1165-7
26. Mr. DUFFY

asked the Chief Secretary if the question of making an offer to Viscount Gough for the purchase of the holdings situate in the town of Gort has been considered; and, having regard to the fact that proceedings are at present going on for the settlement of the agricultural portion, will he represent to the Estates Commissioners the wisdom of keeping in their hands the entire estate until such time as steps have been taken to include the town holdings in the sale?


I have nothing to add to my reply to the question of the hon. Member on this subject on 10th instant.


Can the right hon. Gentleman inform us is it the intention of the Estates Commissioners to deal with the agricultural portion of the estate, and, having dealt with it, then take up the town?


I believe the Commissioners are making an offer for the purchase of the holdings in the town at the earliest possible moment.

28. Mr. DORIS

asked when the Congested Districts Board intend to proceed for the compulsory acquisition of the congested estates in West Mayo, which landlords have refused to sell voluntarily?


The Board do not at present anticipate the necessity of having to put in force their compulsory powers in the case of any estates in West Mayo. In some cases in which it was thought that compulsion would be necessary there is now reason to believe that voluntary sales may be carried out.

31. Mr. DUFFY

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware of all the circumstances connected with the sale to Mr. John A. O'Flaherty of the farm land situate at Oranmore, townland of Frenchfort, on the estate of Miss Dora Creagh; is he aware that Mr. O'Flaherty, at the time of signing the agreement to purchase, was a grazing tenant, letting the land to small tenants at a large profit; is he aware that Mr. O'Flaherty is an absentee in New Zealand, a gentleman occupying an important public position under the Government in that country; does he know that four other tenants, small and uneconomic, have holdings on this estate and have applied for an enlargement of the same; and, seeing that it was never intended, under the Acts of 1903 and 1909, that money should be advanced by the State to enable men like Mr. O'Flaherty to acquire such lands, will he cause the Estates Commissioners to make special investigation into the circumstances of this case before they take on themselves the responsibility of vesting this farm in Mr. O'Flaherty?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 16th January to which I have nothing to add.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this is a case of a permanent resident in a foreign country in a public position, and in view of the fact that there are a large number of uneconomic holdings in the neighbourhood, will he consider the matter before assigning the holding over to this absentee?


That was the exact question put by the hon. Member to me before, but I will recall the attention of the Estates Commissioners to the matter.


asked whether it is proposed to have the Return under the Irish Land Purchase Acts (Command Paper 6130) brought up to date; and, if so, when the continuation Paper will be issued?


I propose to have the Return brought up to the end of the last financial year and issued as early as possible next Session.

40. Mr. LYNCH

asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland), how many lettings on the eleven months' system have been granted by the Board in the Vandeleur demesne, West Clare; whether he is aware that the failure to carry out the provisions of the Act in regard to this property has caused in Kilrush discontent which has found expression in resolutions of all public bodies in that town; and whether the Board will make over the demesne to the Estates Commissioners?


Grazing over such lands at Kilrush Forestry Centre as were not included in the plan of planting operations for the season 1912–13 was let in eight lots by public auction in March, 1912. These lettings will expire in February, 1913. Another lot was let from March to November, 1912. With regard to the last part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on 16th ultimo.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say under what Section of the last Land Act this action has been taken?


I should like notice of that.