HC Deb 12 February 1913 vol 48 c921
15 Mr. HUNT

asked whether the War Office in 1906 issued invitations to manufacturers and others to submit 303 light bullets for trial; whether it was in consequence of the official trials of the light bullets submitted in response to this invitation by Mr. Henry Holland that the present bullet was adopted; and in what particular, if any, does the present light bullet differ from the patent bullet submitted by Mr. Holland to the War Office in 1907 and officially tried by them?

Colonel SEELY

The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative and to the second part in the negative. As regards the third part of the question, the present light bullet differs in weight, shape, and material, from that submitted by Mr. Holland.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the late Secretary for War promised to see Mr. Holland on this matter, but was prevented from doing so owing to his elevation to the House of Lords? In view of that fact, and seeing that Mr. Holland has spent at least £1,000 for the War Office, could not the right hon. Gentleman arrange to see him? If the right hon. Gentleman cannot see him, is it likely that other rifle manufacturers will spend money in this way?

Colonel SEELY

I do not know anything about the fact first stated. I am anxious that no injustice should be done to this or any other inventor.

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