HC Deb 10 February 1913 vol 48 cc489-91

asked the President of the Board of Education whether, before making any further Grants to the University of Bristol, he will institute an inquiry into the complaints made against the council of that university by present and past professors?


The distribution of the Exchequer Grants for universities and university colleges in England for the five years ending 31st March, 1916, has, now been determined, and no further question as to allocation of Grants will arise until the end of that period. Before making any recommendations as to subsequent allocations of Grant, the Board's Advisory Committee will make such visits and inquiries as may then seem to them to be proper. No special inquiry now seems either necessary or desirable.


asked whether the right hon. Gentleman's attention has been drawn to the facts connected with the dismissal of Professor Carol from the chair of English Literature in the University of Bristol; whether the Board of Education regards as an important matter in determining its Grant to universities and university colleges the fact that a reasonable security of tenure is assured to the holders of such chairs; and whether such security was afforded to Professor Carol?


I have no official information as to the events referred to, which I understand occurred some years ago. The Board's Advisory Committee on University Grants in their Report, issued in March last, proposed that the terms and status of professors should form a subject of special consideration before the next assessment of Grants is made in 1916. I am sending the hon. Member a copy of the Report.


Is it not the fact that the Chair held by Professor Carol was suppressed contrary to the advice of the Senate?


I understand that the Council revised the recommendations of the senate, and was not able to see their way to fill the posts with the same individuals; but there was an interval, I understand, between the university being a university college and a university.


Is it not the fact that the council did not revise the report of the Senate, but appointed a sub-committee of its own before the senate had sent in a report at all?


The matter is one relating to two and a half years ago, and I do not think any good cause will be served by looking further into it. I have received no representations on the matter from the university.


Does the right hon. Gentleman know that his colleague, the Lord Chancellor, is Chancellor of Bristol University, and will he consult him upon this matter?


I have already done so.