HC Deb 06 February 1913 vol 48 c22

asked the right hon. Gentleman if he is aware of the unrest amongst the natives in the Londiani district, British East Africa; whether he has any official information as to a recent Masai raid on Lumbwa, when many cattle were stolen and some of the Moran in charge murdered; and, having regard to the alarm amongst the European settlers in the district, will he take steps to provide protection against these raids?


I am aware that rumours of unrest in the district in question have been current in the Protectorate, but the matter has been grossly exaggerated, and I understand from the Governor that there is no ground for anxiety. The particular report to which reference is made appears to have been based on the fact that the action of a small party of police in seizing some strayed cattle belonging to the Sotik was disputed by a section of that tribe. Neither Masai nor Lumbwa were involved and no lives were lost.


Is it a fact that there is a less number of available troops in that district to deal in insurrection than was formerly the case?


I cannot tell, without notice, the precise distribution of troops in the district at this moment, but I will make inquiry if the hon. Gentleman wishes it.