HC Deb 05 February 1913 vol 47 c2174
15. Sir J. D. REES

asked whether the Rajah of Narajole has admitted that there was a seditious movement at Midnapur and has withdrawn as unfounded the charges he brought against the district magistrate, Mr. Weston, and other officials; whether this further confirms the correctness of the appellate judgment of the High Court of Calcutta reversing the findings of Mr. Justice Fletcher of that Court in almost every particular; whether any appeal against that appellate judgment has been presented to the Judicial Committee; and what steps the Government proposes to take in view of the shock to the confidence in single judgments of the High Court in certain cases, and of the expenditure of public money involved in the hearing from first to last of the Midnapur case?


The Secretary of State has seen an announcement in the general sense referred to. There has been no appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. As regards the last part of the question I have nothing to add to the answers already given to the hon. Member.

Sir J. D. REES

Does the Under-Secretary mean to allow this matter to pass over seeing that it is only a part of certain unfortunate circumstances, and has he made the inquiries which I asked him to make as to the effect of the repeated reversals of these judgments upon the public in India?


I have told the hon. Member what the Secretary of State intends to do in this matter, and I cannot add to it.