HC Deb 05 February 1913 vol 47 cc2183-4

asked what is the estimated amount of the State's liability for two-ninths and one-fourth of the cost of benefits, including the Grant in aid of medical benefit, and of the cost of administration of benefits accruing during January, February, and March, 1913, payment of which by the State is postponed until the year 1910–14?


The liability of the State in respect of charges accruing during the months of January, February, and March, 1913, for benefits other than medical and sanatorium benefits, and including the cost of administration, is estimated at £601,000. No part of the liability of the State in respect of expenditure on medical benefit incurred during these months is postponed to the financial year 1913–14. On the contrary, the whole of the charge on the Exchequer in respect of medical and sanatorium benefits for the year 1913 is chargeable to the Vote for 1912–13.


Could the right hon. Gentleman say specifically whether the two-ninths and the one-fourth in the new Supplementary Estimate of £18,000 odd is charged anywhere for this year?


I am not aware of any two-ninths or one-fourth in the Supplementary Estimate. The Supplementary Estimate is a Grant-in-Aid.