HC Deb 05 February 1913 vol 47 cc2381-2

(1) A ship while being moved within a harbour shall be deemed to be a ship navigating in a pilotage district, except so far as may be provided by bye-law in the case of ships being so moved for the purpose of changing from one mooring to another mooring.

(2) A ship whilst being navigated within any closed dock, lock, or other closed work in a harbour shall notwithstanding anything in this Act be deemed to be navigating in a district in which pilotage is not compulsory.

Amendment made: In Sub-section (1), after the word "harbour," insert the words, "which form part of a pilotage district."—[Mr. Buxton.]


I beg to move at the end of Sub-section (1) to insert the words "or of being taken into or out of any dock provided that a bye-law shall in every case be made for the purpose aforesaid in any pilotage district where any class of persons other than the licensed pilots were in practice employed at the date of the passing of this Act for the purpose of changing the moorings of ships or of taking ships into or out of dock."


I should like to Bay one word about this because I do not quite know what the effect of the Amendment is going to be. For instance, in the Thames district, will it be necessary to pass a bye-law in order to allow those who have moved ships to continue the work? I have not had time to consider the Amendment as it is a manuscript one. I think it is a very serious question. It may be that a pilotage authority may not pass a bye-law, and the men who have been able in very large numbers in the Thames district to do this work may be prevented from doing so. I should like to hear the President of the Board of Trade upon that point.


The object of this particular Clause is to make it compulsory where this system exists that they shall pass a bye-law.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In Sub-section (2) leave out the word "harbour" and insert instead thereof the words "pilotage district."—[Mr. J. M. Bobertson.]