HC Deb 04 February 1913 vol 47 cc1998-9

asked the Post-master-General whether, in view of the continued complaints of the delays and interruptions to the postal and telegraphic communication between the mainland and the islands of Islay, Jura, Colonsay, Mull, Coll, Tiree, Muck, Eigg, and Canna, he will call for a special report on the present state of those services with a view to their improvement?

The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Mr. Herbert Samuel)

The recent interruptions of postal communication with these islands have been due almost entirely to the exceptionally severe weather. The working of the steamer services will continue to receive close attention. During the past four years the number of times that cables have needed repair have been: Cable to Islay, one; cable to Jura, three; cable to Colonsay, one; cable to Coll, three; cable to Tiree, one; cable to Eigg (including Muck), none; cable to Canna, none. Considering the remoteness of these islands, the roughness of the seas, and the rocky bottoms on which the cables are laid, I regard the service as a good one.


Will the right hon. Gentleman order a special report on the mail services to these islands, especially bearing in mind that when a contractor puts an inferior boat on the service it stands to reason that in bad weather the service cannot be done?


There is another inquiry proceeding with regard to the use of a slow boat in place of the ordinary one during the time the ordinary one was under repair recently.