HC Deb 04 February 1913 vol 47 cc2147-8

The average amount by which the Grants made out of the Royal Bounty Fund for the purposes of the Church in Wales in the seven years ending the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and twelve, have exceeded the average annual amounts received by Queen Anne's Bounty in those years by way of first fruits and tenths in respect of ecclesiastical offices in the Church in Wales.

Government Amendments made: In Part III., paragraph (1), leave out the words "or provision."

At the end of paragraph (1), insert the words

"(2) A sum equal to the difference between the aggregate annual amount of the sums mentioned in paragraph (2) of Part II. of the First Schedule to this Act, and the annual value of the property mentioned in paragraph (1) of Part I. of that Schedule."

Leave out paragraph 2.

Leave out the words of Part IV., and insert instead thereof the words

"Limit of amount which may be granted in any year by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to the representative body.

A sum equal to the average amount granted by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners out of the annual appropriations from the surplus income of their common fund during the seven years ended the thirty-first day of October, nineteen hundred and eleven, by way of augmentation or endowment of benefices or towards the stipends of assistant clergy in Wales or Monmouthshire."—[Mr. McKenna.]

Government Amendment proposed: To insert the following new Schedule:—