HC Deb 15 August 1913 vol 56 cc3466-8

New Schedule brought up, and read the first time.

"1. Draft, or order, or receipt given by or to an approved society, or branch or Insurance Committee in respect of money payable in pursuance of Part I. of the principal Act, or of the rules of the society or branch.

2. Letter or power of attorney granted by any person as trustee for the transfer of any money of an approved society, or branch, or Insurance Committee invested in his name in the public funds.

3. Bond or other security given to, by or on account of an approved society or branch, or by the treasurer or other official thereof.

4. Appointment or revocation of appointment of agent, or other document required or authorised by or in pursuance of Part I. Of the principal Act, or by the rules of an approved society or branch.

5. Agreement entered into between an approved society or branch and an Insurance Committee in regard to medical benefit under Part I. of the principal Act."


I beg to move, "That the new Schedule be added to the Bill."

Question put, and agreed to.

Title agreed to.

Question proposed, "That the Chairman do report the Bill, as amended, to the House."


Upon that Motion, I have only two sentences to say. The first is to express my gratitude to members of all parties in the Committee for the extraordinary efforts they have made in regard to this Bill. I thought it was a good Bill at the beginning, I think it is a much better Bill now, and I am glad that every party has co-operated in improving it. The second is—and I am sure in this I speak for every Member of the Committee—to express our gratitude to you, Sir, for the ability, fairness, and unfailing courtesy with which you have presided over our proceedings.


I do not know whether I am permitted or expected to reply. I must say I have never presided over any Grand Committee which has given me greater satisfaction, both in regard to the manner and ability with which it has gone through its work. I think I made a joke just now about "incapacity," but the capacity of this Committee, the attendance of members upon it, and the businesslike method followed, have been a constant satisfaction to me.

Question put, and agreed to.

The proceedings of the Committee concluded at 7.30 p.m.