HC Deb 15 August 1913 vol 56 cc3311-3

"In every county or county borough there shall be elected in accordance with regulations made by the Insurance Commissioners, by the persons, firms, and bodies corporate, who have agreed to supply drugs, medicines, and appliances to insured persons whose medical benefit is administered by the committee, a local committee, and it shall subject to regulations made by the Insurance Commissioners, be consulted by the Insurance Committee on all general questions affecting the supply of drugs, medicines, and appliances to insured persons, and shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as may be determined by the Insurance Commissioners."

Clause brought up, and read the first time.


I beg to move, "that the Clause be read a second time." I think I can commend this Clause to the Committee in a very few sentences. It was on the Paper on the Committee stage or Report stage when the principal Act went through the House, and the year's working has shown that it is necessary that there should be some representative body of those who are engaged in supplying drugs, medicines, and appliances, in the same way as there is a representative body of the medical profession, who are engaged in the treatment of patients. I am quite sure that those who have to administer the Act will find that it is a great advantage. I understand that the Member for Leeds (Mr. O'Grady), has suggested an Amendment to my Clause, which he has been good enough to show to me. He proposes that I should leave out the word "pharmaceutical." He thinks that with that word in it might be held to exclude from the representative body people whom he thinks would otherwise be entitled to representation, I only use this as a label, and I am prepared to move the Amendment without that word.


I think the alteration which I understand the hon. Gentleman desires would be very useful. It would be useful to have a Statutory Committee in connection with the work of the chemists under the Insurance Act.


I only want an assurance with regard to the meaning of the word "persons" who are to form these committees. I want to be sure that the word "persons" does include men who are known as unregistered chemists for the purpose of supplying appliances, and if that is the case and the word "pharmaceutical" is deleted I will withdraw in favour of the hon. Member who has moved.


Do I understand the hon. Member to move it in the amended form?


Yes, I move it without the word "pharmaceutical."

Question, "That the Clause be read a second time" put, and agreed to.

Clause added to the Bill.


The hon. Member for Glasgow (Mr. MacCallum Scott) has given notice that he wishes to move only the third Section of his next Amendment.


Is it in order for any hon. Member to move only the first part of a Clause. If not, I should like to move the first part of this Clause.


I think it is not in order. It is quite possible for any hon. Member to put it down, after the hon. Member has moved it who is in charge of the new Clause.


I do not see that. Have we not within the last few moments had one hon. Member moving an Amendment which stood in the name of another—the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Clackmannan (Mr. Eugene Wason). Would it not now be possible to give notice?


Cannot the hon. Member put down the Amendment in the same terms?


By doing so will he keep his place on the Paper? My hon. Friend wants to keep the place originally occupied by the Amendment.


As a matter of courtesy to the Committee I informed them that the hon. Member for Glasgow was not going to move the whole of his Clause. It is one Clause as he proposes to move it. I had nothing to do but to call upon the hon. Member. Those who object can refuse to give the Clause a second reading.


If that ruling is to hold good, it seems to me that any Member can put down a Clause and use it as a blocking Motion, and so prevent us bringing it on.