HC Deb 15 August 1913 vol 56 cc2815-6
The ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Sir Rufus Isaacs)

I beg to move, "That a Return be granted showing the Constitution, on the 1st day of January, 1914, of the Advisory Committees for Counties and Boroughs appointed to inform and advise the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Lieutenant with regard to the selection of Justices, pursuant to the Recommendations of the recent Royal Commission."

Mr. Booth

May I ask if the Return Cannot include the Duchies, or will a supplementary Return be moved in regard to them?

Mr. GULLAND (Lord of the Treasury)

It is the same Return as was moved in the other House last year, and it was thought advisable that the Return should be granted in this House also. It is in exactly the same form as last year. If the hon. Member will look at the Return dated 14th January, perhaps he may next Session move for a Return in regard to the Duchies. This Return only affects the districts under the jurisdiction of the Lord Chancellor.


In this Return Lancashire is omitted altogether.


Is it not the fact there were a number of Advisory Committees—


If the Return is opposed—


I do not oppose it.

Question, "That the Return be granted," put, and agreed to.