- (1) As from the fifteenth day of May in the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, in lieu of the sums hitherto in use to be fixed and paid or which might be fixed and paid under Section seventy-three of the Act of 1857, as amended by any subsequent Act, as the charge payable by parish councils to the district board for pauper lunatics in district asylums, there shall in each year be paid to the district board one half of the cost of maintenance as hereinafter defined of pauper lunatics; and the balance of the cost of maintenance and other. expenses and salaries referred to in the said Section, together with one-half of the like charge payable by parish councils for pauper lunatics maintained by them otherwise than in a district asylum, as ascertained and intimated to the district board in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Board, shall be paid by the district board, and such payments shall be charged to the assessment authorised under the Lunacy Acts and this Act: Provided that, in the case of a lunatic on whose account any such payment is made by a district board 'other than the board of the district comprising the parish of legal settlement of such lunatic, the first-mentioned district board shall be entitled to reimbursement in respect of any such Payment from the district board of the district comprising the parish of legal settlement as from the date from which the parish council at whose instance the liability of the parish of legal settlement has been established is entitled to recover its expenses incurred in relation to such lunatic.
- (2) The definition of the expression "cost of maintenance" contained in the Section of this Act relating to the expenses of maintaining defectives shall apply to the same expression in this Section, with the substitution of "pauper lunatic" for "defective" and of "contributions out of the Local Taxation (Scotland) Account to the cost of maintenance of pauper lunatics" for "moneys provided by Par-
2783 liament," and with any other necessary substitutions. - (3) A parish council shall account annually to the district board in respect of each pauper lunatic who is placed by them in a district asylum or maintained by them otherwise than in a district asylum, for all contributions received by them in respect of such lunatic, from such lunatic, or otherwise on his account.
§ Lords Amendment: After Sub-section (3), insert as a new Sub-section:
§ (4) All powers vested in a parish council of recovering moneys expended in behalf of a poor person shall extend to the recovery by the parish council of such part of the said moneys as is by this Act made payable by the district board.