HC Deb 13 August 1913 vol 56 cc2502-3
54. Mr. MORTON

asked the Postmaster-General whether he will issue prepaid return postage coupons of the value of ld., as those of the value of 2½d. are useless for sending to the United States of America or other countries where there is 1d. postage with this country; and whether he can say why 3d. is charged for the 2½d. coupon?


The question of introducing reply coupons of the face value of ld. has been considered more than once. There is no great demand even for the existing 21cl. coupons, and the inducement to use coupons for ld. would be substantially less. Reply postcards furnish an easy means of prepaying a reply from the United States of America and other places included in the penny postage scheme. In consequence of the differences in currency which exist in the various countries of the Postal Union, and in order to prevent speculative dealings with coupons in those countries where the rate of exchange is favourable, the minimum selling price of the 2½d. coupon was fixed by the Postal Union Convention at 28 centimes (gold), the nearest sterling equivalent of which is 3d. For a similar reason the proposed ld. coupons could not be sold to the public at less than rid., a fact which would still further restrict their use. I do not consider that there is sufficient reason for the issue of such coupons.


Will the right- hon. Gentleman consider the sale of these 2½d. stamps at a reduced rate, so as to bring the price of issue nearer to 25 centimes?


I should he very glad to consider the suggestion.