HC Deb 13 August 1913 vol 56 cc2485-6

asked whether Mr. De Loessa, now the Rhodesian manager of the Liebig Company, was formerly one of the native Commissioners appointed by the Chartered Company; whether an inquiry was held into his conduct towards the natives by Judge Vincent; whether a Report of that inquiry was forwarded to the Colonial Office, and, if so, will this Report be circulated; whether the investigation by Judge Vincent of the conduct of Mr. De Loessa towards the natives took place before or after the grant of 1,200,000 acres of land in Rhodesia to the Liebig Company at the price of I s. per acre; did the Administrator consult his executive in accordance with the 1898 Order in Council before the making of this grant of land, and, if not, why was this not done; was a copy of the Minutes of the decision of the Executive sent to the Secretary of State as prescribed; and what reason, if any, having regard to his previous conduct, has the Colonial Office for believing that the eon-(Wet of Mr. De Loessa towards the natives will be just and humane?


I am not aware of the name of the Liebig Company's manager. An inquiry was held by Mr. Justice Vincent in 1907, into the conduct of a native Commissioner named H. de Laessa. This officer was suspended by the High Commissioner, who held that Mr. De Laessa's views on native administration made it impossible to continue him in his office, though there was nothing against his personal character, and the suspension was confirmed by the Secretary of State. I do not propose, at this distance of time, to circulate the Report of Mr. Justice Vincent. The sale of the land did not come before me in the Minutes of the Executive Council, which are furnished to me regularly.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this Mr. De Loessa, who is now managing director of this company and has great control over the natives, was expelled from his office as High Commissioner on account of his ill-treatment of the natives?


I do not know more than I have informed the hon. Member.


Will the right hon. Gentleman try and get some information about this?

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