HC Deb 13 August 1913 vol 56 c2577

(1) Where an order that a defective be sent to an institution or be placed under guardianship has been made under this Act, the judicial authority which made the order or any other judicial authority, or, where the order is not made by a judicial authority, any judicial authority, may, on the application of the petitioner, or of the managers of the institution or the guardian, as the case may be, or of an officer authorised by the local authority, make an order requiring the defective or any person liable to maintain him, to contribute such sum towards the expenses of his maintenance in the institution or of his guardianship, or, in the event of his death in the institution of his funeral expenses and any charges incidental thereto, including the cost of conveyance to the institution, as, having regard to the ability of the defective or person liable to maintain him, seems reasonable.

(4) Where a defective has been placed by his parent or guardian in an institution or under guardianship any suns which the parent or guardian has agreed to contribute towards the expenses of the maintenance or guardianship of the defective shall be recoverable summarily as a civil debt.

Lords Amendments:—

In Sub-section (1), leave out the word "or" ["or in the event of his death"], and insert instead thereof the words, "and any charges incidental thereto, including the cost of his conveyance to the institution, and."

Leave out the words "expenses and any charges incidental thereto, including the cost of conveyance to the institution."

In Sub-section (4), after the word "agreed" ["has agreed to contribute"], insert the words "in writing."

Lords Amendments agreed to.