HC Deb 12 August 1913 vol 56 cc2458-9

(1) The council of every county [and borough and the Common Council of the City of London] shall be a local authority within the meaning of this Act.


I beg to move after the word "Act" ["meaning under this Act"] to insert the words, The expenses of a Local Authority under this Act shall be defrayed in the case of the London County Council as payments for general County purposes; in the case of any other County Council out of the County Fund, and in the case of a Borough Council out of the Borough Fund or Borough Rate, or, if no Borough Rate is levied, out of a separate rate to be made, assessed and levied in like manner as a Borough Rate, and in the case of the City of London out of the General Rate, and a Local Authority may borrow for the purposes of this Act in the case of a County Council as for the purposes of the Local Government Act, 1888, and, in the case of a Borough Council, as for the purposes of the Public Health Act, but the money borrowed by a Borough Council shall be borrowed on the security of the fund or rate, out of which the expenses of the Council under this Act are payable.

Amendment agreed to.