HC Deb 12 August 1913 vol 56 cc2453-5

(1) The Commissioners of Works shall constitute an advisory board under the name of the Ancient Monuments Board, consisting of members representing the bodies named in the First Schedule to this Act, and such other members, as the Commissioners of Works may appoint; and may, if and when they think it desirable to do so, constitute separate advisory boards for Scotland and Wales, and, in such case, the obligation to appoint members representing the bodies named in the First Schedule to this Act shall, so far as those bodies are bodies whose activities are confined to England, Scotland, or Wales, be construed distributively.

(2) His Majesty may, by Order in Council, alter the First Schedule to this Act.

(3) The Ancient Monuments Board may, if so requested by the owner of an ancient monument, give advice, free of charge except for out of pocket expenses, with reference to the treatment thereof.


I beg to move in Sub-section (1) to leave out the word "may" r ["may, if and when they think it desirable "] and to insert instead thereof the word "shall."?

This Clause gives the Commissioners of Works power to constitute an advisory board, and provides that that advisory board may set up separate boards for Scotland and Wales. The object of my Amendment is to take out "may" and insert "shall," so as to make it obligatory upon the Commissioners to set up these national boards. The House will agree that in the preservation of ancient monuments national sentiment and feeling must play a very large part in adjudging their value. Already an agreement has been come to by those in charge of the Bill that a separate national board is to be set up for Scotland. Under these circumstances, I ask that the same measure of fair play shall be meted out to Wales as has been meted out to Scotland. I beg to move—


It is quite evident from the Amendment set down in the name of the hon. Member for Merthyr Tydvil and also in the name of the chairman of the Welsh party, that there is a desire in Wales that such a Board should be set up. I do not think I can go further than to quote the words used by my Noble Friend the First Commissioner of Works in another place, namely:— I venture to think that it is not advisable to put in the Bill the exact constitution of the two Boards for Scotland and Wales, which. as I have said, must generally follow the lines of the first Board for England. From my own knowledge I can say that the First Commissioner intends to pursue with regard to Wales the same course with the necessary changes as he intends to pursue in the case of Scotland. It will be more convenient to set up the Board voluntarily instead of putting its constitution in the Statute. I hope the hon. Member will not think it necessary to press his Amendment further.


Is the constitution of the Scottish Board to be put in the Schedule?


The form of the Clause is this, that the Board is set up consisting of members representing the bodies named in the Schedule and that the Schedule may be altered by Order in Council.If it is decided that a certain body in Wales shall have a representative, such body will be added to the Schedule.


Do I understand that there is an intention that when the Scotch Board is set up the Welsh Board will also be set up?


nodded assent.


I think I shall be carrying out the wish of the Welsh party in saying that I shall be prepared to accept that.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.