HC Deb 12 August 1913 vol 56 c2259

May I ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he has any information about the attack on the Camel Corps in Somaliland?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. Harcourt)

I will read two telegrams which I have received from the Acting-Commissioner administering the Government of Somaliland. The first reached me yesterday morning, and reads as follows:— August 9th. Burao. The Camel Company during a reconnaissance between Berbera and Odwein were severely engaged to-lay by a Dervish party, the strength of which is estimated at 1,000 men, which was believed to have been advancing on Barao. I have received no official report, but two Camel Company men bring news. I deeply regret to report that Corfield has been shot dead and that Dunn is wounded. Sixty men of the Camel Company are reported dead. It is clear that the Camel Company retreat was cut off and that they, therefore, zaribaed. The maxim jammed. The losses both of Dervishes and Friendlies are reported to be exceedingly heavy. Firing continues. The rest of the Camel Company cannot move, twenty-five miles out, so I have no alternative but to proceed myself now with my Indian escort of twenty men and such Friendlies as I can collect (and) attempt to succour. I ant ordering the Indian contingent at Berbera to proceed to our assistance with a doctor, in case we ant make good our retreat on Sheikh. I am requesting the Resident at Aden to send 300 troops at once to garrison Berbera.—ARCHER. Late last night I received the second telegram:— August 10th. Burao. In continuation of my cypher telegram of August 9th. I joined up with Camel Corps at 2 o'clock this morning at a distance of eighteen miles south-east of Burao. We have returned safely to Burao. Owing to shortage of ammunition dervishes did not follow up retirement. Summers, the Commandant of the Indian contingent, who accompanied the reconnaissance to advise me on the situation here from the military inspect, is severely wounded in three places but not dangerously. Corfield was killed beginning of action. Dunn is not wounded anti is well. Camel Corps casualties are not accurately known but probably fifty were killed and wounded. I will send a detailed telegraphic report later on the whole occurrence. Dervishes (?) numbered between one and two thousand rifles and they have cleared the district of stock. The tribesmen are moving north. It will probably be necessary to start a relief fund for destitutes arriving at Berbera. I consider an attack on Burao in the immediate future probable and I shall evacuate it if possible this evening. The Indian contingent will occupy Sheikh forthwith, while a temporary field hospital is established there by the senior medical officer. No further medical assistance is required. I do riot anticipate any danger from temporary occupation of Sheikh even at this juncture.—ARCHER.


Can the right hon. Gentleman give any explanation of how the Camel Corps came to be so many miles from the coast?


No, I cannot at present.