HC Deb 06 August 1913 vol 56 c1460
13. Mr. BARNES

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the desirability of having a programme for the next Peace Conference. His Majesty's Government will suggest to the Government of The Hague that it would probably meet with the general approval of the Governments of the world if the Government of The Hague were to take the initiative in calling a conference to prepare such a programme?


His Majesty's Government will ascertain the views of other Governments upon this matter as soon as the troubles in the Near East are less exacting; till that has been done I cannot, of course, make a suggestion to The Hague Government in the terms proposed by the hon. Member, though I am in sympathy with the object of his question.


Will the hon. Gentleman see that the reply from other Governments is expedited?


I am sure my right hon. Friend will do what he can in the matter.

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