HC Deb 04 August 1913 vol 56 cc1032-3

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the fact that Dr. Pembrey, in his evidence before the Royal Commission on Vivisection, stated that he had done painful experiments upon living animals, and that such experiments are absolutely necessary, and further, that if he caused the animal sufficient pain to produce syncope the pain itself would act as an anæsthetic; that the Commissioners unanimously reported that Dr. Pembrey's application of a theory of pain as a protective mechanism in the scheme of nature to the case of painful experiments on animals led him into a position in their opinion absolutely reprehensible, and that to grant a licence or certificates to a person holding such views as those entertained by Dr. Pembrey is calculated to create serious misgiving in the minds of the public; and whether, notwithstanding the unanimous opinion thus expressed by the Royal Commissioners, he has renewed Dr. Pembrey's licence and granted him further certificates?


I do not think the question summarises the evidence given by Dr. Pembrey before the Royal Commission. I have considered carefully the shorthand notes of his evidence and the opinion expressed by the Commissioners thereon. I have received from Dr. Pembrey letters repudiating in unqualified terms the opinions which the Royal Commission were led by his evidence to attribute to him, and I have thought it right to renew his licence and to allow some of his certificates to continue in operation. No fresh certificates have been given.


Does the right hon. Gentleman disagree with the findings of the Royal Commissioners that to grant a certificate to this gentleman is calculated to create serious misgivings in the minds of the public?


I think, in view of the misinterpretation that was put upon his evidence that it was natural to think that the granting of a certificate to that doctor would have created serious misgivings in the public mind, but I am very glad to have this opportunity of stating that he absolutely repudiates the interpretation that was put upon his evidence by the Commissioners.