§ The trustee may, at any time after a claim has been lodged, require further evidence in support thereof, for which purpose he may examine the bankrupt, any creditor, or any other party on oath relative thereto, and where a dividend is to be paid he shall, within the said fourteen days, examine the oaths and grounds of debt, and in writing reject or admit them, or require further evidence in support thereof; and in case he shall reject any claim, he shall in his deliverance state the grounds of such rejection; and he shall complete the list of the creditors entitled to draw a dividend, specifying the amount of their debts, with interest thereon to the date of the sequestration, and distinguishing whether they are ordinary creditors or preferable or contingent, and he shall make up a separate list of any creditors whose claims he has rejected in whole or in part.
§ Amendment made: Leave out the words "said fourteen days" ["within the said fourteen days"], and insert instead thereof the words "fourteen days mentioned in Section 121 of this Act."