HC Deb 30 April 1913 vol 52 c1163

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has received any further information regarding the sale of eight Indian boys and four girls brought from the Putumayo district by Lieutenant O'Donovan in August of last year; and whether he has taken any and, if so, what steps in the matter?


The Acting British Consul at Iquitos has lately reported that he has received information confirming the allegation that eight Indian boys and four girls, brought from the Putumayo by Lieutenant O'Donovan, of the Peruvian Army, were received on board the launch at the mouth of the River Javary. The Acting Consul is further informed that these Indians were sold and put ashore at an estate, named San Pablo, some 120 miles above the frontier in Peruvian territory. The eldest girl, whose age was estimated at about seventeen years, is said to have been since seen at Iquitos. I am instructing His Majesty's representative in Peru by mail to bring the substance of this report to the notice of the Peruvian Government and to ask them for any observations they may desire to offer on the subject, calling attention to Article XV. of the Treaty of 10th April, 1850, between Great Britain and Peru, in regard to prohibition of participation in the slave trade.