HC Deb 30 April 1913 vol 52 cc1165-6
26. Major M'CALMONT

asked the Secretary of State for War whether, before quoting the opinion of the General Staff on questions of policy, he will take steps to ascertain the views of the officers of the General Staff as a whole; and, if not, whether he will make it clear that the opinions he quotes are those of the chief of the Imperial General Staff, who is in no way bound to consult other officers?

Colonel SEELY

No, Sir. I have no intention whatever of interfering with the discretion of the chief of the Imperial General Staff in this matter.


May I ask whether it is not very misleading to the House and unfair to the officers of the General Staff that their views should be quoted when they have not been asked for them?

Colonel SEELY

I am very much surprised that the hon. and gallant Gentleman, who is serving in the Army, should make that suggestion in reply to my answer. The present distinguished chief of the Imperial General Staff represents the General Staff in a very special degree, owing to the fact that he has special knowledge of military matters, and I have full confidence in him. I am surprised the hon. and gallant Gentleman should put the question.