6. Major HOPEasked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that the hospital of the depot of the Royal Scots in Glencorse Barracks is and has been 971 used almost entirely for men affected by venereal disease from other units in the Scottish command; and whether, as the hospital is in the barracks and touching the married quarters, he will consider the desirability of altering this arrangement in the interests of the welfare of the Service in general and in particular of the young soldiers for whom the depot is principally maintained?
§ Colonel SEELYThere is a military hospital at Glencorse which is available for the use of all troops in the Scottish command, and is largely used for the cases referred to. The building is detached from the nearest married quarter. There is no other hospital in Scotland so suitable for the special treatment required for these cases.
Major HOPEDoes not the right hon. Gentleman understand that the arrangement is very much objected to by the officers and men in question; and also that it is injurious to the self-respect of the district?
§ Colonel SEELYIt is a particularly suitable place, and has been well fitted up for the purpose. If there are difficulties of which I am not aware I shall be glad to have any further representation from the hon. Gentleman.