HC Deb 29 April 1913 vol 52 cc1001-2

asked whether it is the invariable practice of the Criminal Investigation Department to obtain finger prints of criminal aliens under sentence of deportation; whether, with a view to guard against the return to this country of deported criminal aliens, the Criminal Investigation Department are vested with powers to detain second-class passengers, pending investigation, or with a view to receiving from them information as to their place of destination?


It is the invariable practice to take the finger prints of all alien criminals who on conviction are recommended for expulsion. The latter part of the question appears to be founded on a misapprehension. Second-class passengers are immigrants within the meaning of the Aliens Act, 1905, and an expelled alien returning among them can be stopped by the immigration officers. There is, of course, difficulty in the way of detection, but when detected, either on arrival or subsequently, he is subject to the severe penalties provided by the Act for the offence of contravening the Expulsion Order. It is the enforcement of these penalties which affords the most effective safeguard against the return of expelled aliens.